Microsoft CRM 4.0 finally out the door


MS Dynamics CRM

Code name "Titan" was officially RTM’d on the 17th December (see the press release here).  Although delayed (nothing new there for any software house) this launch is in my opinion a pivotal inflection point on Microsoft’s S+S journey.  This is the first Microsoft release that has taken an existing "on premise" software offering and thrown the whole S+S bucket of stuff at it.

This is not just about technically adding multi-tenancy or providing for massive scalability, it has been about getting the whole product story right.  This includes the delivery of CRM Live by Microsoft directly, the revision of licensing to allow partners to effectively deliver a Partner hosted version and support for the existing on-premise delivery models.

As the "first out of the block", the CRM team have had to take the lead on many of the challenges that face Microsoft as they move along the S+S road.  It will be interesting to watch from both the outside and inside (as part of the S+SPAC) to see how this pans out.

Published by SJKParker

Discovering exceptional stakeholder value through innovative technology investments. 25+ years’ experience as a business and technology hybrid. Providing creative and challenging thinking that delivers alignment of essential business needs with innovative technology. Passionate leadership and business model transformation across large enterprises, start-ups, SMBs, and business turnarounds. Experience gained from working closely with leading software vendors on their global cloud strategy, provided associate services to industry analysts, sharing knowledge as a keynote speaker and writing a variety of books covering the Cloud space. Painting business pictures with an IT brush, providing Experience, Passion & Impact Specialties: Business model transformation, Evangelist and presenter, Cloud Computing, Software as a Service, SaaS, Office 365, Azure, Solution Architect, eProcurement, SPLA, Subscription licensing

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